Meet the Team


Lauren is a Hampton Roads native, and the main mama-in-charge!  She has three rotten, I mean beautiful, children: Matthew, age 14, Lila, age 12, and Dylan, age 9.  In her real life, she works as a corporate recruiter and permanent makeup artist, but can usually be found crafting, sewing, and Posh Babying in the middle of the night.

nLeshan and her sweet mama Sharon keep us organized and on track.  Lisa keeps things running during drop off and inspection and pretty mush keeps the rest of us in line!  Roxanna and Kelly are our organization queens and I would be lost and not know where anything is without them.n

You!  Yes, you!  Our consignors and workers are the heart and soul of this operation, and we would not be able to plan and execute these events without the generous gift of time and talent from our you.

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